Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Zodiac Project: Suguru's Surge

(Eingestellt am 27. Juni 2024, 15:42 Uhr von gdc)

This is the 9th chapter of the Zodiac Project, initiated by ViKingPrime. The idea is that one builds a puzzle around a specified disjoint set before picking a new one and handing the baton over to the next puzzle setter. I am very happy to be a part of it. The previous parts of the series are:

Chapter 1: Orion's Belt by ViKingPrime
Chapter 2: Counting Castles by marty_sears
Chapter 3: Derezzed by heliopolix
Chapter 4: Rodd Stevens by 99%Sneaky
Chapter 5: Phase Shift by meggen033
Chapter 6: Cage Decoder by sujoyku
Chapter 7: Star Chart by Flinty
Chapter 8: Parity Expedition by palpot

Thank you again to palpot for asking me to set the next puzzle in the series. I am delighted to be able to nominate the next setter in the Zodiac Project series: SamuPiano. Here is the Extra Region that they will be working with:

Zodiac Project, Chapter 9: Suguru's Surge

A distress call reached the ship of the Zodiac crew. A woman claims the evil Suguru is about to take over her home island. Ukyo said in a calm but alarming voice: "I know her. She sells sea-cells in the Samu System. We have to help!". Commander Jus looked irritated: "I have a bad feeling about this. Let's ask some questions and connect the dots first".

  • Sudoku: Normal sudoku rules apply
  • Nurikabe: Shade some cells blue (representing water), such that all water cells are orthogonally connected, but water may not fully cover a 2x2 area. Shade the remaining cells green, which represent islands.
  • Suguru: An island of size N must contain the digits 1-N without repeats.
  • Squares: A digit in a square is on an island and contains the largest digit of that island.
  • Diamonds: A digit in a diamond is on an island and shows how many island cells are seen in the row and column combined, including itself. Water cells block vision.
  • Disjoint: The 9 digits in squares and diamonds must contain the digits 1-9 once each without repeats.
  • Kropki (Variant): Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive and either both island or both water.

Play On SudokuPad!

Lösungscode: Column 6, top to bottom (9 digits) with dashes (-) between island/water borders. For example: 123-45-67-89.

Gelöst von SamuPiano, palpot, anonymoose, Flinty, h5663454, nighthawkranger, bansalsaab, teff, Calvinball, meggen033, tangobunni, stramosk, softie, linl33, kriskos, RebelSystem, Franjo, Snookerfan, Pink Flag, ... th3d1c3m4n, roflsalot, Klvsched, JayForty, AsgarArn, OnOffL, dustpan, codewizard, Drewpacabra, MaizeGator, darrenfwl, atomvic, ajc, Gameri1, widjo, godoffours, martin1456, swnlmd, gsansone, nixxo
Komplette Liste


am 25. September 2024, 03:31 Uhr von ajc
Wonderful wonderful wonderful, made my evening!

am 28. August 2024, 09:05 Uhr von AsgarArn
It was a fantastic solve.
Felt very rewarding, just needed to stick to it.

am 27. August 2024, 22:36 Uhr von AsgarArn
It was a fantastic solve.
Felt very rewarding, just needed to stick to it.

am 14. Juli 2024, 12:59 Uhr von Christounet
Super cool ! Always a pleasure to solve a nurikabe puzzle. Thanks :)

am 1. Juli 2024, 00:29 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Absolutely beautiful, from start to finish.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juni 2024, 23:08 Uhr

am 30. Juni 2024, 22:58 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this terrific puzzle, gdc! It took all of me to get it done, but it was a challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed (and I definitely learned a big deal about island/shading logic). I am lacking the right words for praising this set-up at the moment. Simply fantastic. Thanks again for sharing this gem.

am 30. Juni 2024, 17:47 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Terrific! Really stretched my brain in good ways. The islands are safe, for now...

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Juli 2024, 01:26 Uhr

am 29. Juni 2024, 21:03 Uhr von wenchang
Enjoyed! Great puzzle. Spoiler alert!
reload the video.
gdc: hey wenchang! Thanks for taking the time to record this. The updated video link works now. Well done!

am 28. Juni 2024, 12:38 Uhr von Franjo
This episode 9 surely is my favorite one! Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece.

am 28. Juni 2024, 02:30 Uhr von meggen033
Wow! That was amazing! Very good use of the disjoint. Thanks for keeping the Zodiac Project going! Well done!

am 28. Juni 2024, 02:15 Uhr von Calvinball
I got a very nice feeling from this one. I answered some questions and connected the dots!

am 27. Juni 2024, 17:43 Uhr von Flinty
Very nice!!

am 27. Juni 2024, 17:11 Uhr von palpot
Wonderful puzzle! very creative and clever use of the disjoint!

am 27. Juni 2024, 16:18 Uhr von SamuPiano
This was a delightful puzzle! There were a lot of fantastic "aha" moments throughout :)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:84 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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