Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (390) - Double Arrows

(Eingestellt am 26. Oktober 2022, 02:00 Uhr von Richard)

Für dieses Sudoku-Varianten-Projekt habe ich geplant, jede Woche eine andere Sudokuvariante zu veröffentlichen. Ich werde sehen wie lange es dauert bis mir die Ideen ausgehen.

Double Arrows
Verwende die üblichen Sudoku-Regeln.
Die Summe der Ziffern auf einer Linie ist genau so groß wie die Summe der beiden Ziffern in den Kreisen die die Linie verbindet. Auf den Linien-Kreis-Kombinationen dürfen sich Ziffern wiederholen.

Dieses Rätsel ist von Zetamath's Diamond / Valence und tallcat's Split / Doppelt inspiriert.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Steven R!)

Lösungscode: Zeile 1, gefolgt von Zeile 6.

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Oktober 2022, 06:00 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, Steven R, Nick Smirnov, henrypijames, rictech, Ambrose, marcmees, r45, Elliott810, rcg, zlotnleo, Yeshe, cdwg2000, azalozni, Remman, lsw770770, cegie, CaptRob, farodin64, patinthehat48, ... Saskia, Chefofdeath, zrlyg, Calesch, LordM, Eisbär, Marian, pepe74287, martin1456, isajo4002, sandmoppe, P12345, sf2l, goodcity, k2u5as, ajc, morgannamodeaura, windmill, Mark Sweep, kishy72
Komplette Liste


am 1. November 2022, 12:14 Uhr von pin7guin
Lieber Richard, vielen Dank für deine SVS mit nun schon 390 Folgen!
Bitte, bitte, mach noch lange weiter damit.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. November 2022, 21:07 Uhr

am 30. Oktober 2022, 09:46 Uhr von Angelo
With this one I have completed the whole SVS so far, within a timespan of exactly four months. Thank you very much for the logical roller coaster filled with different variants executed beautifully. It was a joy to see that these variants can be grouped in categories that have a common denominator in how to approach such puzzels. I am impressed you managed to keep this SVS running for almost 9 years already!
Reply: very well done!
You are one of only very few people who solved all SVS's in a long sequence. And even in a few months!
I agree with your observation that the different variants can be categorized by some generic constraints. Most variants can be placed in such a category.

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Oktober 2022, 06:38 Uhr

am 28. Oktober 2022, 20:32 Uhr von Krokant
Fun. As the others have said, it has a nice learning curve. Personally, I prefer to find my way into the puzzle first and then solve the problems that arise rather than not being able to start at all or only with huge difficulties. :)

"Although finding new SVS-potentials becomes like the story with the needle and the haystack and thus very time consuming..."

There is an easy solution to this problem, Richard. Simply invent all new variants yourself. :-))
Reply: Thanks for the compliment!
So far, I have never thought active about a new variant myself, although of course I invented a few variants as well. In those cases the idea popped up naturally while being busy with something else. So I don't know what would be more time consuming; searching or thinking. :-)

am 28. Oktober 2022, 06:20 Uhr von Richard
Thanks for the nice feedback!
Sometimes I am in doubt about continuing with SVS in this overcrowded portal where shelf space is limited; your comments make the coin fall to the right side! :)

Although finding new SVS-potentials becomes like the story with the needle and the haystack and thus very time consuming...

am 28. Oktober 2022, 04:55 Uhr von tallcat
A very nice double arrows puzzle. A smooth and easy start with a modest increase in difficulty in the midsolve. A great introduction to the constraint!

am 28. Oktober 2022, 02:00 Uhr von mathpesto
This can serve as a great entry point to double arrows, but is also adequately challenging. Had lots of fun solving it! :)

am 27. Oktober 2022, 22:34 Uhr von Qodec
So much fun, thank you!

am 27. Oktober 2022, 08:27 Uhr von Playmaker6174
A pleasant start, then it got quite harder later on but still all manageable, some beautiful deductions in there :)

am 26. Oktober 2022, 16:28 Uhr von CaptRob
Very nice puzzle. The start is easier than the end. Thanks a lot!

am 26. Oktober 2022, 06:00 Uhr von Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Steven R!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Oktober 2022, 06:15 Uhr

am 26. Oktober 2022, 05:03 Uhr von henrypijames
Extremely easy start, then gets suddenly hard in the midgame.
Reply: that was exactly intended! (And confirmed by testers as well. :) )
I thought long about a different opening than the inspiring puzzles. All four relied quite heavily on short lines and the interplay between those lines (and their circles). Therefor I wanted the break in with a long(er) line. And that was only possible with either a very hard opening or an obvious and easy one.
I thought it would be fun to save the harder work for later on in the solve and thus the easy start.

am 26. Oktober 2022, 03:39 Uhr von Steven R
F-Puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=28bb6x3v
CTC: https://tinyurl.com/5n783j5n

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:127 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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