Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

New Year of the Snake

(Eingestellt am 5. Februar 2025, 07:28 Uhr von NEWS)

Happy Chinese New Year! Here I present you a Whisper-Killer-Renban-Kropki-Sudoku! This grid contains:
A magenta snake on the upper left, as the Renban Line;
A "虫"-shaped orange line, as the Dutch Whisper Line;
"它"-shaped green lines, that are German Whisper Line;
Some Killer Cages and Kropki dots, without any negative constraint.
Specifically: Normal Sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
Adjacent digits along each orange line must have a difference of at least 4;
Adjacent digits along each green line must have a difference of at least 5.
Digits along each magenta line must be a set of consecutive digits in any order, and must not repeat.
The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
Digits in cells separated by a white dot are differed by the number shown on the dot, while the digits in cells separated by a black dot have a 1:x ratio, where the value of x is shown on the dot. No negative constraint.

Lösungscode: Digits along the snake (Renban Line), starting from R5C1, upwards and rightwards.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2025, 09:13 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, by81996672, tgstar, StefanSch, lmdemasi, ccotreau, butch02, flaemmchen, Mozart40, SirWoezel, Fizz, Njiushiguang, HumanBirdsong, Joyofrandomness, sujoyku, SXH, SKORP17, psninn, Chelo, Nada, AN_not_IO, Julianl, Ragna, Jenny :3, JayBird, EmX68, mcc, a2k, slowbiex, gbrljt, gcus2237p, Schesam, b413x, Ulistef, Nagesh, mezkur7, pepe74287
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2025, 09:13 Uhr

am 6. Februar 2025, 09:12 Uhr von NEWS
Changed the solution code since the former one is too unfriendly.

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Februar 2025, 14:36 Uhr

am 5. Februar 2025, 14:36 Uhr von Mozart40
From my perspective the kropki ratio between r7/c6 and r7/c7 doesn't fit.

am 5. Februar 2025, 11:38 Uhr von lmdemasi
Please don't put solution codes in the sudokupad completion message.

am 5. Februar 2025, 11:11 Uhr von StefanSch
Happy New Year!
Forcing me to write my complete solution into the sudokupad app, just to get the solution code is a BAD idea.

Bewertung:77 %
Gelöst:37 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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