Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stay in Your Box

(Eingestellt am 2. Februar 2025, 03:58 Uhr von marty_sears)

It was a lot of fun doing this 2nd collab with the ever-talented Justin Vitanza (AKA Puzzle Pusher)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.

  • Every box contains an invisible 'index line' whose route must be determined.
  • The index lines are all 9 cells long, only move orthogonally (not diagonally), and don't cross any 3x3 box borders. They don't cross themselves, or pass through any black or green spots.

  • Each row, column and box contains exactly one hidden diamond, which lies at one end of its index line, and contains its box number. (Boxes are numbered 1-9 in normal reading order from top left to bottom right.)

  • The digit in position N along an index line (starting at the end with the diamond) indicates the position along the line where the digit N should be placed. Eg: if the 1st digit (in the diamond) is a 3, then the 3rd digit will be a 1.

  • SPOTS:
  • Digits separated by a black spot are in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Digits separated by a green spot have a difference of at least 5.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy :)

Lösungscode: Row 8 from left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Februar 2025, 12:56 Uhr

Gelöst von vitaminz, mathpesto, Nada, LehanLehan, tangobunni, Norkas, han233ing, compiling, Mr. Happy, Syvex, Piff, lmdemasi, Franjo, spaanse, samuel1997, SKORP17, SXH, Alce, sanabas, DanishDynamite, ... Logerfo, The_Schlunz, Nell Gwyn, stickx, l_ugray, mahdiosm, teuthida, Hazem-77, widjo, Bionic Cheese, LukeGiglio, nguyenhaoqn3, Mr.Wilderby, karlmortenlunna, hildende, JDP678, SterlingWest, OnOffL
Komplette Liste


am 10. Februar 2025, 01:14 Uhr von Bionic Cheese
Fantastic puzzle , really enjoyed it

am 6. Februar 2025, 01:33 Uhr von softie
It took me a little while to grok the rules, but then once I did the solve path was so satisfying! Amazing how you set this up to keep providing resistance the whole way through.

am 5. Februar 2025, 14:27 Uhr von jakestilesowen
Truly amazing how few clues it takes.

am 5. Februar 2025, 04:58 Uhr von anormalperson
Great puzzle! Quite approachable once you understand the whole rulesets

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Februar 2025, 12:35 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2025, 22:15 Uhr von ElenaMonteille
That was fun, many thanks to both authors!

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Februar 2025, 12:46 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2025, 21:03 Uhr von OrestisLomis
One of those puzzle where through incredible setting the solver is left feeling special because they were able to solve a puzzle that seemed impossible from the starting constraints... well in my case I did feel quite stupid because for the longest time I didn't realise there could only be 1 diamond in each row and column as well. But once I realized this the puzzle solved very nicely!

am 3. Februar 2025, 01:08 Uhr von jwanders
Loved it! Wonder if there's an arrangement where all the line ends are also rcb?

am 2. Februar 2025, 17:46 Uhr von sanabas
Fun idea, great puzzle. Extremely approachable once you absorb a key point from the rules.

am 2. Februar 2025, 13:23 Uhr von Franjo
Fantastic idea, fantastic setting, fantastic puzzle! And approachable, so I gave 3 stars. Thank you very, very much for creating and sharing this beautiful gem.

am 2. Februar 2025, 08:02 Uhr von LehanLehan
Very nice puzzle,it has a feel of both authors. Thank you very much.

am 2. Februar 2025, 04:08 Uhr von vitaminz
Always lovely to collaborate with you. I think this one turned out even better!

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:88 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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