Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Scenic Route

(Eingestellt am 15. Januar 2025, 13:40 Uhr von The Book Wyrm)

This puzzle was created as a gift for Agent during the 2024 secret satan event. Partly due to the brilliant puzzle he made for me last year, I went for something rather mad, and ended up with this puzzle.


  • Toroidal: For all following rules, the top and bottom row of the grid are considered adjacent, and the leftmost and rightmost columns of the grid are considered adjacent.

  • Permaculture: Draw a border along the edges of cells to divide the grid into two orthogonally connected regions. One region obeys stations rules, the other obeys A38 rules. (with adjustments)

  • Stations: Draw a loop through the centres of some cells. All places where the loop crosses itself are marked with a * (the loop must pass through every * in it's area, and the loop cannot touch itself anywhere else). The clues in this region must form a set of 1-N (where N is to be determined), and the loop must pass through all clues in ascending order (returning to 1 after passing through N).

  • A38: Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centres of some cells and define its direction of travel. The loop must not pass through number clues, but must pass through every * in its area.
    The black circle is considered the start (and end) of the loop.A traveller moves along the loop. In order to visit a cell with a *, they must first obtain a Permit A38 in a cell which is orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to a number clue.
    A number clue N indicates that the traveller acquires a Permit A38 in the Nth neighbouring cell that the loop visits.
    The traveller cannot hold more than one Permit A38 at a time, and visiting a cell with a * uses up the permit. Hence, the traveller must alternate between obtaining and spending permits.
    At the start of the loop, the traveller holds no permit.

    (Note: unlike normal stations and A38, the loop does not have to pass through every cell)

  • Summation u-bahn: Draw a loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends. The network may pass through the permaculture border.
    If two cells are separated by the permaculture border, they are either both empty or both used by the network. All line segments which are part of either loop are part of the network.
    Assign each line shape (irrespective of rotation) a digit from 1 to 4 as follows: corner = 1, straight line = 2, branch = 3, cross = 4. Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of "digits" in each contiguous sequence of cells visited by the loop network, in the correct order. Consecutive sequences must be separated by either a cell not visited by the loop network or the permaculture border. If there is no border or empty cell between the first and last cell in that row/column, they are considered to be in the same segment (the sum of which is given as the first clue).
    For a given row or column, either all clues or no clues are given. A * represents an unknown amount of clues, including none.

  • Cipher: Each letter represent a different number. A "?" may represent any number, including two-digit numbers.

  • Every Christmas tree must line on a loop (which is the same loop for all Christmas trees)

For aditional clarity an example of a valid grid has been given. The blue loop is the A38, the red loop is the Stations, and both loops plus the green segments froms the u-bahn. White circles have been used to mark the cells where permits are obtained for the A38 loop.

Main Puzzle:
Penpa link: Click Here

Lösungscode: For every column from left to right, the number of line segments heading to the right from that column.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Januar 2025, 00:57 Uhr

Gelöst von Agent, ONeill
Komplette Liste


am 31. Januar 2025, 00:21 Uhr von Silverstep
Posting some rule clarifications re: the A38 area that I got over discord, for archival purposes

* You're not allowed to skip an A38 clue: if the clue says X you must visit at least X cells around it. The Xth cell must not overlap with an asterisk. Upon visiting this cell, the number of permits you have changes from zero to one. (And every asterisk you visit changes that from one to zero).

* The Xth cell of clue X can overlap with the Yth cell of clue Y, which is allowed. In this case you obtain only one permit there.

* There must be no leftover permits when the traveller gets back to the starting black circle.

am 26. Januar 2025, 19:09 Uhr von ONeill
This is the craziest and longest puzzle I’ve ever done, I really have no idea how you put this together but the solution path is awesome and brutally difficult for the entirety of the solve. Very well done! and thanks for the torture

am 19. Januar 2025, 00:57 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Fixed example image

am 15. Januar 2025, 13:53 Uhr von Agent
Thanks very much for this gift, Book Wyrm! It was a very challenging and equally satisfying solve, and a truly memorable experience.

And I have to say, what a ruleset, it's the first time I saw a toroidal permaculture, and that's already a very interesting concept.

Gelöst:2 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

Rätselkombination Rätselvariante Groß Kryptorätsel

Lösung abgeben

