Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XV*Magic 7

(Eingestellt am 10. Januar 2025, 23:18 Uhr von NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Cells connected by an X must sum to 10.

Cells connected by an V must sum to 5.

All X's and V's are given.

There is a 3x3 magic square somewhere in the grid.

(A magic square is a 3x3 square with the digits 1-9 where all rows, columns and diagonals have the same sum)

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle


Feel free to recommend this puzzle to anyone.

Feel free to take special rules for your own puzzle.

Feel free to give feedback.

Bless you!


Lösungscode: give the digits of column 3 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von gxorgx, mutex, Grothenlace, SincereEngineer, apendleton, jalebc, flaemmchen, paranoid, Bjd, HertogHJ, weiken, Dentones, Onkel_Dagobert, sigge, ole-1995a, SXH, steperlich, SKORP17, Chelo, ___, ... Rex, drbs, CHRosenthal, Tompzini, Llamaths, shteev, zrbakhtiar, Brodie2000, S4K, krytolandros, rudaass, Chlorophyll, sgerstenberger, rmm466ss, zonka, gnidan, Marigold, teuthida, TCK Green
Komplette Liste


am 16. Januar 2025, 16:49 Uhr von NurglesGift
Thank you all!

am 15. Januar 2025, 12:50 Uhr von rudaass
Magic comes to my life with every one of puzzles from you, thanks.

am 13. Januar 2025, 13:53 Uhr von shteev
Lovely puzzle! Gave me less grief than some of the other XVs but I suspect that's because of practice

am 12. Januar 2025, 22:05 Uhr von drbs
Tricky and very nice. No surprising deductions but still a very satisfying solve.

am 12. Januar 2025, 01:57 Uhr von TheNineElements
Solve Time: 55:42

I rated this 3/5 difficulty.

Another great addition to the series! This has become one of my favorite set of XV puzzles, so thanks for sharing!

I thought this puzzle was a mid-high 3/5 difficulty puzzle. The puzzle felt a bit easier than XV*Magic 4 (which I rated 4/5 difficulty, which matched the consensus/posted rating), although the puzzles both took about the same time. I think this is because, on this puzzle, I was able to progress through the XV coloring easier, and was able to color without using the magic square until the end (at least I think, as I determined the location about 3/4 through but tried to color without referencing it). Also, towards the end of my coloring, I misclicked on a color elimination so I had to spend around 5-10 minutes figuring out where I made a mistake - so that inflated my time slightly. I also am getting more familiar with the ruleset and 'style' of these puzzles - so this may play a factor as well in my perceived difficulty.

Either way, the puzzle was enjoyable and was a bit more difficult than the average in the series.

Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed working on the puzzle this evening!

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Januar 2025, 18:36 Uhr

am 11. Januar 2025, 18:36 Uhr von askaksaksask
Quite tricky. Although I do love a good coloring puzzle, so I'm quite biased, I think this is an excellent addition to the xv series. The difficulty makes it a more engaging entry for me than the last one, as the sources of difficulty in the puzzle weren't solely contained in coloring, the negative constraint, identifying the magic square, etc. Truly a wonderful puzzle, thank you!!

am 11. Januar 2025, 12:42 Uhr von Onkel_Dagobert
Ha! Only 85 minutes for me… ;-)

am 11. Januar 2025, 11:44 Uhr von HertogHJ
Cool puzzle! Limiting the possibilities for the magic square was magical. I got stuck for a couple of hours afterwards, but found the way eventually. I gave a difficulty rating of five stars.
My only point of criticism is that it's very tempting to use uniqueness for the solve.

am 11. Januar 2025, 07:37 Uhr von NurglesGift
It can be anywhere

am 11. Januar 2025, 01:09 Uhr von leogetz
Hello, is the magic square contained in one box on these puzzles? Meaning, is the 5 in the middle of the box or can it be anywhere on the grid? Thanks

am 10. Januar 2025, 23:18 Uhr von NurglesGift
Last one was easy, this one less so, good luck :)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:47 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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