Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Crossover

(Eingestellt am 20. Oktober 2024, 21:59 Uhr von Unterstadt96)

Link to solve: https://sudokupad.app/0yuul0468g

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Set a crossword frame - same letters stand for same digits. Each crossword clue is indicated by a blue number showing the sum of the used digits. Each clue is only used once (i.e. either orthogonally or vertically). Shade the cells that do not belong to the crossword - no 2x2 area may be shaded. - The crossword solution obviously uses only 9 different letters. The following clues are in alphabetical order of the answers (in brackets is given the amount of letters/cells for this answer):

(2) first of all, it is always me

(2) e.g. masterly content

(4) guests without police majority

(4) feed aboard

(2) a short while short

(9) home for prior rock star money

(4) serious spikeless shelter

(3) denied misheard bonding

(2) golden alternative

(3) traitor who reacts in an odd way

(3) carnal affair: stop heat amount for cellular activities

(2) sung this way

(4) unspecified sullen without sibling

(6) holy poor Clare not rehabbed

(5) sin of confused satyr

(3) beverage any guru would serve at party

(4) starting in Austria and never ending

(3) Jewish feast lacking atonement quantity from zero to thousand

Lösungscode: Row 5 from left to right in letters, then in digits (18 signs)

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Oktober 2024, 10:52 Uhr


am 28. Oktober 2024, 10:52 Uhr von Unterstadt96
Solution code corrected

Gelöst:0 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Rätselvariante Englischkenntnisse Worträtsel Kryptorätsel

Lösung abgeben

