Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 29. September 2024, 21:39 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum)

A curiosity with a broader purpose. Huge thanks to MattDdraig for testing!
For those interested, this puzzle was inspired by various similarly themed ones, especially those by ste221093, starwarigami and Stavros96. You can find them (as well as a few others) here

Play on Sudokupad

(For those who don’t know, the Sudokupad app has a Letter Tool that can be toggled on in the settings [found by clicking the cog icon], which will obviously be an advantage in this puzzle, although unfortunately, Matt has alerted me to the fact that this tool is limited on mobile, so keyboard and paper solvers are at an advantage in this one)


Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1 to 9 in each row, column, and 3x3 box

– Each of the digit 1-9 represents a distinct letter from A to Z, as well as the value of that letter. The letters and their values have to be determined by the solver
– The letters must form words matching the crossword definitions below, and the position of these words on the Scrabble board must match the tiles shown, such that their total value, per the Scrabble rules further below, equals the value indicated for each word, knowing that three of them include the value of an additional, incidental two letter word in their total:

(5) – A shrug-type vocal expression.
(20) – Preferable not to lose it. And to keep it cool.
(26) – Arguably the most used word ever, just look.
(27) – Mushroom hat wearer, not a frog. But also a frog.
(38) – Not always found by or with a GPS.
(38) – Good to have with puzzles (and Scrabble…).
(40) – May, without the middle.
(52) – Man. Legend...
(52) – A band’s first baby.
(58) – Becomes next level with a syllable switch.
(75) – One of procrastinators’ worst enemies.
(273) – A wild field, not a soprano. But also a Soprano.

Some squares of the board (multipliers) affect the score:
Red: Word score is tripled (two at once = x9)
Purple: Word score is doubled (two at once = x4)
Dark Blue: Tile value is tripled
Light Blue: Tile value is doubled

– Multipliers used in one turn cannot be reused in other turns, thus reused tiles are only worth their normal value in all subsequent turns
– The order in which the game was played is indicated by the small numbers in the top left corner of some cells

Lösungscode: The 'extra word' in the tray, followed by the hidden (untiled) word in column 8, followed by the first five digits of Row 9 (left to right)

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Oktober 2024, 03:48 Uhr

Gelöst von MattYDdraig, lstefan2002, bodemeister, BenTen
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 27. Januar 2025, 01:21 Uhr

am 27. Januar 2025, 00:35 Uhr von BenTen
Thank you so much for this journey of a puzzle. I came here from your latest mystery puzzle, Multiplicity (which I am a little stuck, but will return to). I do like Scrabble so I though I would give this one a try.

I had so few of the answers to the clues to start with, but there are many pieces of information you can gather from the clues, the score values and ultimately from doing some sudoku, I was able to piece together what little I had and start forming some sort of picture.

It was so satisfying to finally get some validation that the letters were correct and the values started to match!

I managed to complete in 85 minutes, to which I am giving myself a pat on the back. (I also got the solution code on the first try, which surprised me!)

Very enjoyable puzzle and super satisfying to solve. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the kind words and the detailed feedback, I'm thrilled you had a great time with it -- and a great solve time too! As yes, for sure there is a lot in this puzzle, and it's really satisfying to hear your progression through it all, since it's exactly what I'd hope, that there could be multiple possible starting points from which to build upon
And about Multiplicity, lots of people are stuck on it, and I think the small size of the example puzzle is to blame for it, but at the same time, it's likely that a larger example would have led to even more hypotheses and coincidences. But my hope with these mystery puzzles is that solvers can get something from them even if they don't manage to find the answer. Whatever the case may be, thanks for your interest in that puzzle as well!

am 5. Oktober 2024, 21:37 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
(Difficulty update)

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Oktober 2024, 03:49 Uhr

am 4. Oktober 2024, 16:48 Uhr von lstefan2002
I am more than happy that I managed to solve this :)) a beautiful nonetheless! Thank you for the 2 hours of fun that I had solving this <3
Thank you so much for the solve and kind words, and bravo for pulling through! I'm very pleased to hear you had fun solving the puzzle :D

Zuletzt geändert am 30. September 2024, 03:50 Uhr

am 30. September 2024, 03:46 Uhr von MattYDdraig
The solution code was fun to try to get with no letters on my grid ;)
Seriously, this was a great puzzle.
Hahaha, yeah I would imagine XD! Major congrats again solving this with the handicap of being on mobile AND then finding the solution code, you rule! Thanks so much again for testing and for claiming your solve here -- glad you enjoyed the ride :D

am 30. September 2024, 00:36 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
Added link to other similar puzzles

Gelöst:4 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Variantenkombination Englischkenntnisse Online-Solving-Tool Metarätsel Mysteryrätsel Arithmetikrätsel Worträtsel Kryptorätsel

Lösung abgeben

