Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 6. September 2024, 00:16 Uhr von zetamath)

[This puzzle was created with the friends in my stream. Thanks for your help everyone! You can find a VOD of its creation. Be warned this one was much more meandering than usual! here ]

Fillomino: Divide the grid into ominos so that no two ominos of the same size touch orthogonally. Fill each omino with its size.

Dots: Each dot separates two ominos (that is, you can draw an edge over every dot if you like).

White Dots: Among two ominos separated by a white dot, one can be obtained from the other by adding a single cell (up to rotation/reflection).

Black Dots: Among two ominos separated by a black dot, one can be obtained from the other by combining two copies of it which have been rotated/reflected independently.

All possible dots are given. That is two say if the ominos on either side of a particular edge share either a white dot or a black dot relationship, there will be a dot on that edge.

Between a 1 and 2, a black or white dot may appear.

Clarifications: Multiple dots may separate the same two ominos.

Warning: It is very possible for two numbers such as 4 and 8 which share a traditional kropki relationship to be adjacent without a dot separating them if the associated ominos do not have the prescribed geometric relationship.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

This puzzle is available on Sudokupad and on Penpa.

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles two days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Lösungscode: The numbers in row 9, from left to right. I multiple cells in a row belong the same omino, list the number only once. No spaces.

Gelöst von Paletron, RJBlarmo, jkuo7, Jesper, Mr_tn, tuturitu, dogfarts, karlmortenlunna, Mennoo_, JustinTucker, ascension, TheZwierz, DVFrank
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am 9. September 2024, 22:13 Uhr von ascension
Great puzzle as usual!

am 6. September 2024, 11:42 Uhr von Jesper
Lovely variant, thanks!

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Gelöst:13 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal


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