Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Whispering Mirror

(Eingestellt am 3. September 2024, 09:23 Uhr von ark29)

Normal Sudoku rules apply [Place the digits 1-9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box]

Green lines are German whispers [Adjacent digits on a green German whisper line are at least 5 apart]

In addition, every whisper is a palindrome [Digits along the palindrome are the same from either direction]

Vs connect digits that sum to 5. Not all Vs are given

Digits in the dotted cage sum to the number in the top left corner

You can play the puzzle here

Lösungscode: Box 8

Zuletzt geändert am 4. September 2024, 06:08 Uhr

Gelöst von HazelTheColor, mackerel, seeppp, Fizz, galium_odoratum, Megalobrainiac, Piff, EmX68, gilb-23, hige, MarkSud, VeTaurus, keenbowl, LehanLehan, efnenu, tgstar, nickwilson, Phandor, Jesper, dianogah, ... ananth, jsh, Nafets00, hsimah, kaw, sujoyku, Tompzini, ellamackmitch, Vaurien, katy.lanka, Lotts, DozingSongbird, H.I. McDunnough, 10kcopeland, geronimo92, RSVPlayer14, MaxSmartable, chain.reader
Komplette Liste


am 6. September 2024, 01:19 Uhr von sujoyku
The whisper palindromes are huge fun. Thank you for setting and sharing, ark29!

am 4. September 2024, 06:08 Uhr von ark29
Edited rules for clarity

am 3. September 2024, 23:30 Uhr von chis_r
Thanks @mozart40 - turns out I had messed up a whispers line! Successfully completed now :)

am 3. September 2024, 15:47 Uhr von Fisherman
A satisfying puzzle. I used blue for 5-9, and orange for 1-4. Going against conventional wisdom.

am 3. September 2024, 15:22 Uhr von baltoguy
A great way to become familiar with palindromes

Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2024, 15:25 Uhr

am 3. September 2024, 14:55 Uhr von anyeyeball
I may be missing something, but if 6's and 7's are reversed, there are apparently two different solutions. Fun puzzle, though.

Edit: My fault. I had missed that the three-cell whisper spanning boxes 8 and 9 was broken in one of the two "solutions"

Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2024, 14:32 Uhr

am 3. September 2024, 14:32 Uhr von Mozart40
As I've just finished the puzzle I can confirm, box 8 in normal reading order.

BTW: Nice puzzle

am 3. September 2024, 13:59 Uhr von chis_r
Fun puzzle - but I can't seem to enter the solution code! Is it box 8 in normal reading order or is it something else?

am 3. September 2024, 10:02 Uhr von galium_odoratum
Beautiful flow, I really liked that there was no real 'break-in' and thus the solve was challenging & interesting from start until the end.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:174 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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