Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

It's a Trap!

(Eingestellt am 12. August 2024, 03:28 Uhr von RedBarchetta)


Normal sudoku and normal variant rules apply.

Place the digits 1-9 in once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

German Whisper: Consecutive digits on a green line must have a difference of 5 or more.

White Kropki dots: Digits sharing a white dot are consecutive.

Palindrome: Digits along a grey line read the same forward to backward – e.g. 123321.

Killer cages: digits cannot repeat in a cage, and the digits sum to the clue in the top-left cell of the cage.

Thermometers: Digits along a thermometer must increase in value from the bulb to the tip.

Commentary Corner: I have no idea why it’s called It’s a Trap! Somehow the Star Wars reference came to mind. What do you think?


Play with SudokuPad

Lösungscode: The Digits in column 1, top to bottom.

Gelöst von MarkSud, norbijunior, futoysl, cmigas, rdesmarais2, terrible_casserole, Bulkystapler, jalebc, noodlehead, jerricanary, SeveNateNine, chis_r, ludvigr04, Fizz, LehanLehan, EmX68, Megalobrainiac, ... SneakyNuts, ParaNox, k2u5as, spientia, Carolin, BlackApolloX, DozingSongbird, ManniMensen, abihummel, josemadre, MoHaMeD05, hsimah, Drawoon, DylanRay, ellamackmitch, kross, ukjohnd, 5h421n, diziet
Komplette Liste


am 17. August 2024, 11:50 Uhr von junho1105
where is xv's rules?

am 14. August 2024, 03:58 Uhr von Ganbatte
Thank you for this nice puzzle.

am 12. August 2024, 15:38 Uhr von permafrostyx

am 12. August 2024, 14:54 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, RedBarchetta! I especially enjoyed the palindrome action.

am 12. August 2024, 05:08 Uhr von rdesmarais2
Fun not too hard.

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:194 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal


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