Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knights of the Cross (Chaos Construction)

(Eingestellt am 22. Juli 2024, 04:12 Uhr von sfushidahardy)

So far I've only seen X-sums in vertical and/or horizontal configurations, so I tried setting a puzzle with knight's-move X-sums to encourage interesting region-geometry. I've added an example image below to (hopefully) clarify any rule-confusions. I hope you enjoy the puzzle!

  • Chaos construction: the digits 1 to 9 occur exactly once each in every row, column, and orthogonally connected region. The region-borders must be deduced.
  • Knight X-sums: a corner clue indicates the sum of the clued cell and all digits in the same region which are exactly a knight's-move away. Moreover, the digit in the clued cell is the number of cells involved in the sum.
Solve Knights of the Cross on Sudokupad.

The following image demonstrates the knight X-sum rule:

Lösungscode: Row 9, with a forward-slash at region boundaries. (For example, 123/45/6789.)

Gelöst von someguy209, RedBulls75, YoshiKyon, Grothenlace, Steven R, Bankey, h5663454, Tom-dz, marcmees, Bootenks, kublai, GeorgeTheToad2, Andrewmi3, bansalsaab, DanishDynamite, henrypijames, achim-t, matiasv5, ... lmdemasi, Uhu, yttrio, skoob, redgecko, mercierus, kennychar, misko, Ton, BeeBoi, Jesper, arauwer, pillowss, ManuH, Chad, Counterfeitly, koXx, SudokuHero, mathpesto, zakkai, 3ColorTheorem, dustpan
Komplette Liste


am 4. September 2024, 16:06 Uhr von mathpesto
A gorgeous puzzle with an elegant ruleset, and a very unique experience for a chaos construction!

am 29. August 2024, 07:39 Uhr von Chad
another great puzzle! lovely

am 4. August 2024, 01:49 Uhr von yttrio
Great idea with a fantastic execution! The region building worked very well, and the irregular Sudoku remained interesting for the second half.

am 24. Juli 2024, 16:26 Uhr von madhupt
Such a smooth puzzle! A perfect candidate for Simon to solve on CtC. Thanks for sharing this.

am 23. Juli 2024, 22:13 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Really enjoyable puzzle. Looking at the grid, and reading the rules, and noting the lack of clues at the bottom right, it was quite hard to believe this would solve - but once I got into it, the logic just flowed. Great setting..

am 23. Juli 2024, 21:40 Uhr von Nordy
Very fun puzzle!! Could have saved myself a lot of time by not thinking that 3+4+5=15 for over 30 minutes…

am 23. Juli 2024, 15:42 Uhr von Franjo
I took a delightful march on the solving path. What a wonderful CC this is indeed. And approachable. Thank you so much for sharing this gem.

am 23. Juli 2024, 15:35 Uhr von MaizeGator
Outstanding puzzle with a great balance of elegance and simplicity. The ruleset works very well and makes me think "why didn't I come up with that?"

am 23. Juli 2024, 10:59 Uhr von Piatato
Very smooth, fun puzzle!

am 23. Juli 2024, 06:19 Uhr von Voidslime
I have been loving these constructions! So satisfying and never too indirect.

am 23. Juli 2024, 00:58 Uhr von Christounet
Great CC ! First regions feel so magical ! Thanks :)

am 22. Juli 2024, 22:26 Uhr von Myxo

am 22. Juli 2024, 20:53 Uhr von KNT
really smooth! Cool region shapes too.

am 22. Juli 2024, 20:51 Uhr von mihel111
A great puzzle. Desserves its rating.
Very well done Shintaro sensei.

am 22. Juli 2024, 18:14 Uhr von henrypijames
It's incredible how smooth this puzzle solves, compared with how difficulty it looks at first. The region division alone is one of the most miraculous I've seen in a CC (and believe me, I've seen many).

am 22. Juli 2024, 16:27 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
I like the rule set. The construction was fairly easy apart from one region. The irregular sudoku was a lot harder. Over an hour of fun. Thank you.

am 22. Juli 2024, 16:19 Uhr von Bootenks
I especially loved the deconstruction part. That was more of an easy (2) section. The irregular part was more of a softer average (3) level. I was happy that it wasn't too complicated.

Overall, a very lovely puzzle!

am 22. Juli 2024, 15:19 Uhr von marcmees
Nice & smooth (3*?)

am 22. Juli 2024, 08:58 Uhr von Bankey
Fun variant of X-sums. Thanks, @ sfushidahardy :).

am 22. Juli 2024, 04:27 Uhr von someguy209
Lovely puzzle with a ruleset used in numerous interesting ways, leading up to a tough but fair irregular sudoku finish!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:96 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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