Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double-Crosser Deconstruction

(Eingestellt am 12. Juli 2024, 00:00 Uhr von Christounet)

This puzzle was designed for the monthly puzzle prompt of the CTC Discord server in July 2024, encouraging setters to create a puzzle with a tennis-like setting process. Two setters agree on a ruleset, then alternatively add clues to the puzzle, until the puzzle is done. Piatato and I did exactly that. I came up with a broad thematic ruleset that we refined together. After that, it was just pure fun to alternate setting and solving each others clues like this. We’d like to thank fjam for giving us the opportunity to explore this new setting process, which we’ll definitely keep using for other puzzles. We hope you’ll enjoy solving this one as much as we enjoyed making it ! Do try the example first to get a full understanding of the ruleset.

The puzzle :

Play on Penpa

Play on Sudokupad

Rules :

- Normal Sudoku Deconstruction : Fill the grid with 9 non-overlapping 3x3 square regions, such that each region contains the digits 1-9 once each and no digit repeats in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.

- Crossing Loop : Draw a single loop travelling orthogonally through the centers of some cells. The loop may visit some cells twice, but must travel straight through such cells each time. The loop can not otherwise self-overlap or self-intersect.

- Japanese Sums / Roller Coaster : Clues to the left of rows indicate the sum of values on horizontal segments of the loop in that row, in the correct order. Clues above columns indicate the sum of values on vertical segments of the loop in that column, in the correct order. If there are clues outside a row/column, all the clues for that row/column are given, with the caveat that a '...' stands for zero or more omitted clues. Note that a segment that is entirely outside any region is listed as a clue with a value of 0.

- Double-Crossers : Digits on cells where the loop crosses itself are doubled in value.

- Cipher : Every distinct letter represents a distinct digit from 0 to 9. A question mark represents any digit. For a double digit number, the first digit cannot be 0.

Example puzzle : (without the cipher) :

Play on Penpa

Play on Sudokupad

Lösungscode: The digits in the doublers cells in the last 5 rows of the puzzle (left to right, top to bottom)

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Juli 2024, 22:29 Uhr

Gelöst von Piatato, Paletron, Agent, ClashCode, Bellsita, wisty, ONeill, Snookerfan, KNT, henrypijames, MaizeGator, hepcecob, yangdaimei, Sewerin, pkp, Silverstep, kevinlimanta
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 29. Juli 2024, 20:22 Uhr

am 29. Juli 2024, 20:21 Uhr von hepcecob
This was insane. For reference, I've solved a 2+ year unsolved puzzle before. That had nothing on this; absolutely crazy difficulty. Amazing logic all the way through. No guess work is required, but it's very hard to deduce which clue or what question you should be asking yourself.

am 22. Juli 2024, 22:31 Uhr von MaizeGator
This puzzle not only deserves a 6th star for difficulty (and probably a 7th), but a rating higher than "very nice" and a place in the Louvre.

I will not forget this puzzle for quite some time, and will become my new measuring stick against which I compare difficult and beautiful puzzles.

am 22. Juli 2024, 22:04 Uhr von MaizeGator
This puzzle not only deserves a 6th star for difficulty (and probably a 7th), but a rating higher than "very nice" and a place in the Louvre.

I will not forget this puzzle for quite some time, and will become my new measuring stick against which I compare difficult and beautiful puzzles.

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juli 2024, 19:37 Uhr

am 15. Juli 2024, 19:17 Uhr von henrypijames
After all these years, a puzzle that truly overtakes Friends in difficulty - 4 hours to break in, 9 hours total, all in all 6⅓ (out of 5) difficulty for me.

The solution code prompt needs to clarify whether crossed empty cells are included. In fact, it'd be better if they are.

am 13. Juli 2024, 21:34 Uhr von KNT
Complete insanity, one of the most difficult puzzles I've ever solved. The final resolution is so nice.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Juli 2024, 20:36 Uhr

am 13. Juli 2024, 20:36 Uhr von Snookerfan
Completely bonkers puzzle! Extremely hard from start to finish, but full of beautiful logic. Very mathy and hard to consider all the possibilities. I know nothing about setting puzzles, but this must have been close to impossible. Thank you for this beautiful and rewarding gem.

am 13. Juli 2024, 15:49 Uhr von ONeill
Awesome. Very hard indeed!

am 12. Juli 2024, 18:27 Uhr von Bellsita
Probably one of the hardest puzzles I solved. Insane!

am 12. Juli 2024, 07:09 Uhr von wisty

am 12. Juli 2024, 05:14 Uhr von Agent
Completely insane!

am 12. Juli 2024, 01:22 Uhr von Piatato
Setting this was amazingly fun! Thanks!

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:17 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Wegerätsel Kryptorätsel

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