Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pikachu, Gesundheit!

(Eingestellt am 5. Mai 2024, 11:18 Uhr von Mr Toffee)


(O) Thermometerbirne ≤ die Spitzen ( I )

Zahlen können sich entlang von Thermometern wiederholen

Normales sudoku


Lösungscode: Zeile 1 von links nach rechts

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Mai 2024, 17:18 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, Nylimb, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, m_busuttil, Golden_Agent, ludvigr04, pepe74287, QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL, seeppp, Iluvsodah, NineK, seh_bas, Jafacake, Woody03130, vlin, maniacaljackal, kkli, ... Martini&Toto, godofthunder, BBoris, tkrahn98, RobertBe, vexillophilia, elpizw, Drawoon, Rollo, radium, Joo M.Y, ParaNox, asver, NeroChaos, Dez256, arangues, PippoForte, Supertaster, Lovejoy , moss
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am 9. Mai 2024, 10:33 Uhr von chain.reader
hmm, I saw the potential ambiguity in box 9, so I picked the longest bulb to pencilmark, the one in box 9, and left the one in box 8 alone until the very end. fairly quickly the ambiguity goes away by other forces. So this isn't an issue really.

am 7. Mai 2024, 13:12 Uhr von Zarlino
Thank you for this excellent puzzle which has helped me with my phobia of slow thermos! I agree with earlier posters about the slight ambiguity: always best avoided, I feel, as it's off-putting (though fortunately in this instance it wasn't a problem as enough other things had become clear by the time I looked hard at it).

am 6. Mai 2024, 19:41 Uhr von stonetim
Fun puzzle! There isn't really any ambiguity with Box 9 for how it is set-up at the junction of the 2 thermos.

However, I do agree that if there was a 3rd line, or any other shape, there would be a large issue. In those cases, simply color coding the lines makes it easy to delineate.

am 6. Mai 2024, 17:18 Uhr von Mr Toffee
Shortened the solution code to one line.

am 6. Mai 2024, 16:24 Uhr von Karitsu
I don't know exactly what it was about this one, but it was a pretty challenging solve for me. I think it was because of the two thermos joining together in box 9. I ended up restarting 2 or 3 times after realizing I'd screwed up far too late to backtrack to the origin of the issue.

Bewertung:85 %
Gelöst:115 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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