Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Loop Japanese Sums

(Eingestellt am 26. Februar 2024, 09:00 Uhr von Agent)

Japanische Summen gehörten schon immer ganz oben zu meinen Lieblingsrätselgenres, und ich dachte, es wäre an der Zeit, es noch einmal auszuprobieren. Dieses Rätsel besteht aus zwei Sätzen teilweise überlappender Summen, was meiner Meinung nach zu einer einzigartigen Logik führt. Laut Tester-Feedback könnte es etwas herausfordernd sein.


  • Zeichnen Sie zwei Schleifen entlang der Ränder einiger Zellen. Die Schleifen können sich nicht selbst kreuzen, können sich aber kreuzen. In diesem Fall müssen beide Schleifen am Schnittpunkt geradeaus verlaufen. Ansonsten dürfen sich die Schlaufen nicht überlappen oder berühren.

  • Fügen Sie eine Ziffer von 1 bis 9 in alle Zellen ein, die sich in mindestens einer Schleife befinden, sodass in keiner Zeile oder Spalte sich wiederholende Ziffern vorkommen. Zellen außerhalb beider Schleifen enthalten keine Ziffern.

  • Außerhalb des Rasters befinden sich zwei Sätze japanischer Summenhinweise.
    • Hinweise links und oben im Raster beziehen sich auf die erste Schleife.
    • Hinweise rechts und unten im Raster beziehen sich auf die andere Schleife.
    • Hinweise geben die Summe der Ziffern in jeder zusammenhängenden Folge von Zellen innerhalb der entsprechenden Schleife in dieser Zeile oder Spalte in der richtigen Reihenfolge an.
    • Für eine bestimmte Zeile oder Spalte werden für jede Schleife unabhängig entweder alle Hinweise oder keine Hinweise angegeben.

  • Jeder Buchstabe stellt eine andere Ziffer von 0 bis 9 dar. Bei zweistelligen Zahlen darf die erste Ziffer nicht 0 sein.

Beispiel Rätsel (7x7)

Haupträtsel (10x10)

Lösungscode: Die Ziffern in Zeile 7 (von links nach rechts), dann in Spalte 7 (von oben nach unten), leere Zellen werden ignoriert.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von MagnusJosefsson, Myxo, Bellsita, zzw, Niverio, Christounet, Vebby, Jesper, Paletron, Mr_tn, SKORP17, OGRussHood, ddx01, ibag
Komplette Liste


Heute, 12:16 Uhr von ibag
Absolutely spectacular! I don't understand how I could have overlooked your puzzles for so long.

am 25. April 2024, 08:16 Uhr von ddx01
Very challenging and very rewarding. I find it especially impressive that there were so many interesting moments during the (very long) solve, so I didn't get tired or bored with it for a second. And it was such a joy to finally complete it. Thank you, Agent, for a truly awesome puzzle!

am 18. April 2024, 17:23 Uhr von OGRussHood
This is definitely a puzzle where Rangsk would say, "The purples be purpling."

Zuletzt geändert am 15. April 2024, 04:11 Uhr

am 15. April 2024, 04:11 Uhr von Playmaker6174
(Long comment warning)

I love how for some particular person, it’s like “oh I’ve never been really familiar with these kinds of genre, but because it’s publicly enjoyed by everyone else, let’s decide that this one shouldn’t be enjoyable by negatively giving bs rating without acknowledging its quality.”
Do people really not realize how freaking stupid it is to judge puzzles like that? Why rating things at all if you’re just gonna hate the thing from the first place? Are you a stat checker machine? Do you not have anything else meaningful to spend your time on instead of wasting time throwing stains on parties? Am I wasting my precious time for commenting on these types of topic?

1) “But it’s subjective anyway, you can’t prevent these kinds of action because you just can’t control everything”
Yuck. I’m not that long time of a user on here, but one doesn’t really need much time to understand that *opinion is not really subjective anymore if it’s meant for intentional abuse at first place*. And I’m so upset for commenting like this because I’ve been revisiting older gems on this site and I’m really having a fun time doing such, so I hope I won’t be negatively affected in the middle of this journey. BUT I do have a limited patience on bs things there.

2) “But it’s your fault for providing a solve on public”
Oh so you’re saying that because it has a video solve online, it’s automatically bad in quality? What kind of bs is that? Who taught you to think like that? Who hurt you to say like that?

3) “But still, it’s not even important at the end, you’re just overly obsessed with rating stuff”
I’m not overly worshipping the quality rating in general. It’s all fine if I have something like 80% rating puzzle because despite not being critically acclaimed as other works, it’s still on a decent side and you can always be judgmental on your puzzles and decide to rework them to be better if they’re not receiving as how you expected. The major thing is, I’m commenting on ABNORMAL things that don’t make sense anyway.
When you rate things at the very bottom ends compared to average rating standard without any proper justification and it keeps happening in a long time range, that means there’s already THOUGHTFUL INTENTION at first place and that intention is just plain MENTAL ABUSIVE.
At the end, providing feedback is the most important factor, but y’all need to differentiate between critical feedback with also constructive recommendations AND negative feedback for the sake of being ABUSIVE for no clear reason, and anyone else that thinks the later one is relatively passable because of so-called ‘subjectivity’ is just fundamentally flawed and asinine.
Keep in mind that I’m not always friendly on rating stuff but I can always provide useful criticism on them if possible/needed. And rating stuff does have to make sense on some level, even if it can result in a long essay about pinpointing the issues. The kind of action I’m being critical on not only doesn’t do any of that, but also just worsens the setter’s mindset and just leaves bad impressions on them in an indeterminate way and it’ll collectively affect on a significant part of the community as time goes by.

4) “I get your point but still let’s just move on, you still can’t control things, the similar things will just keep coming”
Well, that just reflects more on how flawed your mindset is when you just basically advise me to accept of reality of it.
I’m an avid user of this website and when I notice a very clear abnormal pattern happening on it that can be fixed/prevented, I need to comment on the problem and have some discussion with every other users. Although the communication can be hard to get along, there’s always time so we can acknowledge what’s happening and how to settle the solutions one-by-one while also maintaining a friendly atmosphere for both sides. It can also spark up a huge fiery debate in the middle but the final important product of it is A SOLUTION, if there’s some way to fix the problem, we can always try to do so without being too hostile on it; if there’s no way instead then I’ll just have to admit how poor the system is.
** And for me personally, I really don’t see why this kind of problem can’t be fixed at all since this problem SOLELY happens on certain minorities. **

am 2. März 2024, 16:40 Uhr von Jesper
Fantastic puzzle, loved it!

am 1. März 2024, 11:44 Uhr von Vebby
Really enjoyed it! Great idea and execution!

am 28. Februar 2024, 09:45 Uhr von Christounet
Wow wow wow ! I loved this !
Don't want to spoil anything here, even if it would be very tempting to emphasize how very unique this solving experience was for me. The ruleset and its inner logic, the clues, the resolution... A masterpiece. Thanks :)

I strongly encourage future solvers to try the example first, because it helps elaborating an efficient notation system for the very challenging main puzzle.

am 27. Februar 2024, 11:46 Uhr von Niverio
Very nice puzzle! Flows surprisingly well for such a novel ruleset.

am 27. Februar 2024, 02:59 Uhr von zzw
Great puzzle! Such an interesting ruleset and its executed so well, its so satisfying all the way through!

am 26. Februar 2024, 22:48 Uhr von Myxo
Wow, awesome puzzle! Really smooth after making sense of the rules :)

am 26. Februar 2024, 13:49 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Amazing puzzle! A bit challenging to get started due to the novel ruleset, but once you get it everything flows very smoothly. Very original and cool idea!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:14 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

Rätselkombination Rätselvariante Geheimschrift

Lösung abgeben

