Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Take the Low Road (Min/Max Arrows)

(Eingestellt am 23. Januar 2024, 12:14 Uhr von Chilly)

I was setting for Rangsk's excellent adventure series (which you should definitely check out if you have the time) and was experimenting with uses for the fat arrows in Penpa (because, why not?). I came up with what might be a new ruleset. I'd be interested to know if this has been done before. This one's a bit of an experiment and shouldn't be too difficult.

The follow-up puzzle to this one, 'It's all Downhill From Here' can be found here.

The Rules:

    Normal Sudoku rules apply. Some cells contain arrows. A digit in a cell with an arrow must be larger than the digits in all the other cells along the direction of the arrow.

    Take the Low Road

    by Chilly

    Link for solving on Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Row 9

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Januar 2025, 15:51 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, RockyRoer, IAM3, AN_not_IO, Schwupel, lulu614, chippers, TomZak, emoney13, fuxia, krangune, JSmoove1099, SKORP17, Chelo, Bjd, TheJakeEX, efnenu, SeveNateNine, Brodie2000, ole-1995a, ... kisha, JoyousMeowMeow, Richard, Krokant, GG_70, Rollo, norbijunior, geronimo92, sloffie, richliaofs, Tinica, TommyHMBK, sandmoppe, Statistica, misko, timotab, drmegadude, MaxSmartable, codewizard
Komplette Liste


am 20. Dezember 2024, 16:50 Uhr von Krokant
This is indees a really fun ruleset. :)

am 18. Dezember 2024, 14:55 Uhr von Richard
Very nice concept!

am 18. Juni 2024, 22:09 Uhr von talldrinkofwater
Really well set, I loved the flow once you figure out what is going on. Thanks Chilly!!

am 15. April 2024, 13:29 Uhr von chain.reader
At first glance I did not think this could possibly solve, coudln't imagine how... then I started following the paths... and I'm surprised I solved this.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Februar 2024, 00:57 Uhr

am 23. Februar 2024, 16:43 Uhr von DonQuichopp
WOW, I was able to solve a 2 star sudoko. It took me 5 hours and 2 restarts but I solved it.
Now I'll go and watch cracking the cryptics solve and get destroyed :-D Simon said, it's fairly easy, ahahahahah.

I like the ruleset, but it messed with my mind quite a lot during the solve :-) Thanks!!

Well done, and thanks for the solve - you got there in the end :)

am 1. Februar 2024, 08:24 Uhr von ccotreau
Like the rule set a lot

am 29. Januar 2024, 23:20 Uhr von phs
Great idea ! I enjoyed this puzzle a lot (after a few first minutes of panic). Thanks for sharing.

am 28. Januar 2024, 12:40 Uhr von Haledyr
I always love new rule sets. Only problem is, now I want more.

am 27. Januar 2024, 02:27 Uhr von heliosfant
Similar to slow thermo rule, but then again totally different

am 25. Januar 2024, 08:54 Uhr von Demparo
I liked how the big arrows was used to remove possible big numbers in the direction, to disambiguate.

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Januar 2024, 01:04 Uhr

am 25. Januar 2024, 01:02 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
Sweet spot,

but I took the high road ;-)

am 25. Januar 2024, 00:31 Uhr von harpix
Love this ruleset! Fun puzzle, thanks :)

am 24. Januar 2024, 22:21 Uhr von Perladel
Very fun and approachable!

am 24. Januar 2024, 20:18 Uhr von coeurblacky
Very interesting ruleset and a really fun solve!

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2024, 18:04 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2024, 16:29 Uhr von glum_hippo
underrated, clever, and highly recommended

Thanks GH - your feedback is always appreciated!

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2024, 18:03 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2024, 16:00 Uhr von Abdul the Killer

Is it naive of me to be surprised that 17 arrows sufficed?

FWIW I've never seen the fat arrow device before.

Thanks for solving! Looks like it's a new ruleset I think.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2024, 18:02 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2024, 10:01 Uhr von Fizz
Super fun puzzle with an awesome and interesting ruleset! Thanks!

Glad you enjoyed!

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2024, 18:02 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2024, 04:28 Uhr von hardline35
Very nice puzzle. Thank you!


Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:246 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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