Arrow Pals
(Eingestellt am 5. Oktober 2022, 16:52 Uhr von amberdot)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Cells joined by a white dot must contain consecutive digits.
Digits along arrow lines must sum to the digit in the attached circle. The digits along arrow lines must form a palindrome, reading the same forwards as backwards.
Play it on: F-Puzzles | CTC
Lösungscode: Row 5 followed by Row 9 (18 digits, no spaces)
Gelöst von SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Julianl, Ye Nay Myo Han, AN_not_IO, pepu273, sujoyku, dskaff, SneakyPotato, AvonD, antiknight, cbjenkins, mobiustrip, by81996672, apendleton, Nairi, brandon_bot, kkli, Bjd, ... galgamer, mutex, ordnanceordinance, IAM3, sacklunch, jguer, wisty, karen_birgitta, Ciastonia, jalebc, geronimo92, Megalobrainiac, PippoForte, GeorgeReigan, humaLautema, morgannamodeaura, finger
am 12. Oktober 2022, 05:08 Uhr von wisty
Really nice puzzle! I used coloring like crazy for this :)
am 7. Oktober 2022, 05:22 Uhr von sacklunch
Wow. Loved it! Tough and beautiful.