Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

S for Sudoku with Renban Groups

(Eingestellt am 18. August 2010, 22:11 Uhr von zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. Besides grey painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order. Letters in cells stand for the digits which contain them in spelling. Here are the spellings of the digits:

1 - ONE

2 - TWO


4 - FOUR

5 - FIVE

6 - SIX



9 - NINE

You may check the Vladimir Portugalov's first issue of the Forsmarts Puzzle Book from the following address for an example without renban groups:


Lösungscode: Give digits for row 7, followed by column 4

Zuletzt geändert am 15. August 2021, 23:26 Uhr

Gelöst von Thomster, pokerke, ibag, saskia-daniela, garganega, Laje6, Katrin K, Le Ahcim, Statistica, logik66, zuzanina, Saskia, Realshaggy, ManuH, Javier Rebottaro, Hansjo, bergelfe, RobertBe, Mody, ... dm_litv, ch1983, Rollo, Skinny Norris, MiR, AnnaTh, marcmees, ildiko, KlausRG, marsigel, Babsi, sf2l, Carolin, cornuto, Joe Average, tuace, mango, Uhu, Julianl, Matt, Zzzyxas, amitsowani, lubosh
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am 15. August 2021, 23:26 Uhr von zhergan
Tags revision..

am 25. August 2010, 10:05 Uhr von Richard
Very nice concept, nicely worked out. Besides, it's not too hard :-) Thanks Zafer!

am 22. August 2010, 12:44 Uhr von Mody
(wb) genau, wenn ich keinen Buchstaben übersehen habe, sind eigentlich nur "u", "w" und "x" eindeutig.

am 22. August 2010, 10:19 Uhr von Luigi
which contain them in spelling:
Bedeutet dies, dass ein O sowohl eine 1,2 oder 4 sein könnte? (da das O in diesen Zahlen vorkommt?)
Bedeutet dies weiterhin, das dann ein O im Rätsel keine eindeutige Zuordnung haben muss?

am 19. August 2010, 12:32 Uhr von ibag
@saskia: ich hab was anderes

am 19. August 2010, 00:15 Uhr von zhergan
Hi to all,

The puzzle figure has changed. The old one has more than one solutions. I would like to thank Kim for her warnings. I hope I didn't miss anything else for the puzzle. Sorry for this situation.


am 18. August 2010, 22:44 Uhr von zhergan

I forgot to say in the text: There exists also 2 examples in the fifth issue of the Forsmarts Puzzle Book which exists at the address http://forsmarts.com/pdf/fpb_05.pdf

You may try them also if you like the idea just like me:)

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