Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snake Race

(Published on 12. April 2022, 18:21 by tomate94)

There are 4 snakes racing to the diamond (center cell). All snakes end in the center box, exactly one end at the the diamond. A snake is a path from a corner into the center box. The snakes are of different types:
- One snake contains only even digits
- One only odd digits
- One only high digits (>5)
- One only low digits (<5)
All snakes avoid cages, i.e. the path does not overlap with a cage. Snakes can touch each other but they cannot overlap. Normal sudoku and killer cage rules apply.

Play hier: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y6vkpl52


Example for the snakes:

Solution code: Winning snake: path from corner to center

Last changed on on 12. April 2022, 21:28

Solved by bigger, ___, marcmees, Felis_Timon, juhish, farodin64
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on 12. April 2022, 21:28 by tomate94
error in example pic

on 12. April 2022, 21:19 by tomate94
Hi, ups there is an error in the exampe, i will fix that. The 5 is excluded as the rules tell.

on 12. April 2022, 19:31 by dandbdi
Rules say high / low digits are strictly more / less than 5, but the example includes a 5 on the blue snake.
So are the "high" digits 5-9 or 6-9, and are the "low" digits 1-4 or 1-5?

Solved:6 times
Observed:7 times

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