Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. March 2022, 11:53 by Pallando)


There are six Sudoku squares below, and five of them are stand alone puzzles. But, like with a good collaboration, they are also part of a single greater puzzle. The first clues as to what that is are in the titles of each puzzle and, as the solution unfolds, you will discover a relationship between the puzzles to gain additional information that is needed to complete the last square.

Don't be put off. Specific rules for each puzzle are listed below, but normal Sudoku rules apply to all of them. There is a single clear solution and when you have the puzzle all wrapped up, there is a surprise hidden within for you to enjoy.

Rules in common between several puzzles:

Digits in killer cages do not repeat, and sum to the indicated total.

Kropki/dots/Letters on edges between two cells indicate the relationship between the values in those cells:

  • black dot = ratio is the number in the dot (2 by default)
  • white dot = difference is the number in the dot (1 by default)
  • X = sum is 10
  • V = sum is 5

It may not be assumed that all possible Kropki, X, or V have been given.

Digits in blue cells and arrow pills are read left-to-right or top-to-bottom.

Additional rules per puzzle:

A Plain Face

by Panthera

Japanese Sum Sudoku: Numbers in blue shaded cells give the sum of contiguous shaded cells within the outlined area. Two blue cells together is a 2-digit number. Rows and columns without a clue may or may not have shaded cells.

Need help with Japanese Sums? Try out some of these links to videos:
CTC: Nonograms with Maths
CTC: Solve the Sudoku to Draw a Picture
Or if you would like to see a puzzle more similar to this one check out:
BremSter: Sudoku on the streets

Faceted Gem

by Pallando

  • Digits on an arrow line sum to the number in the pill.
  • Each Renban line overlapping the arrow line contains the non-repeating digits of a consecutive sequence, but in any order.


by Casey

Weak Palindromes: Cells that are an equal distance along the line from its midpoint, contain pairs of digits that are either both odd or both even, and that are either both high (5 or more) or both low (less than 5).

Need some help with weak palindromes? Check out this video:
Mornington Crescent

A Plane Face

by Raumplaner

Cube construction: Identify the three 3x3 Sudoku boxes, who can be stacked on top of each other without rotation and form a 3x3x3 cube. When viewed from each side of the three directions, each of of the three layers of the cube must contain a full set of the digits 1-9. The three selected boxes must not share the same row or columns of the Sudoku grid (they must not 'see' each other).

Need help? Check out this link for an introduction to the idea:
LMD: The Cube

A Face To Die For

by MaverickJd

  • Divide the whole grid into Killer cages.
  • Each killer cage is rectangular, but the clue giving the cage's total is not necessarily in the top left cell of the cage.
  • Cages containing the same number of cells may not touch each other at an edge or at a corner.
  • White dots are strictly between cells in different cages.
  • Black dots are strictly between cells in the same cage.

Need help with this type of puzzle? Check this out:
CTC: The Gift You Can Just Keep Giving

Roman Profile

by Virtual

Nothing special in particular about this puzzle.


All 6 puzzles together in penpa (without answer check):


All 6 puzzles together in penpa (with answer check):
Note: The all-in-one grid is too large to open via URL directly. In order to load the full grid with answer-check in penpa, you need to:

  1. Click on the link first to open a blank penpa-edit page: Penpa
  2. In a separate tab or window, visit https://kitiara.has.coffee/Faces-PuzzleFull-PE and when that fails, click the address bar then use Control A and Control C
  3. At the top of the penpa-edit page, find the "Load" button towards the right side and press it.
  4. Paste (Control V) the text you copied earlier into the box that appears, then click "Load URL"
  5. Start solving!

Individual puzzle links:


A Plain Face, Faceted Gem, A Facade, A Plane Face, A Face to Die For, Roman Profile

CTC App:

A Plain Face, Faceted Gem, A Facade, A Plane Face, A Face to Die For, Roman Profile


For further information, visit the puzzle's own website:
English or Deutsch

Solution code: The solution code is 18 digits (3 digits from each of the 6 faces), with no spaces: "A Plain Face" row 7 of columns 4-6, then: "Faceted Gem" rows 5-7 of column 8, then: "Facade" row 7 of columns 3-5, then: "A Plane Face" rows 6-8 of column 5, then: "A Face To Die For" rows 6-8 of column 7, then: "Roman Profile" rows 4-6 of column 7

Last changed on on 11. March 2022, 12:40

Solved by JeremyDover, JayForty, purpl, Jlrice2, Don_Jonny_Cash, jkuo7, Raumplaner, djorr, MavericksJD, Crusader175, Jaych, MazzleFlush, pandiani42, h5663454, Nell Gwyn, codewizard
Full list


on 27. December 2022, 23:03 by MazzleFlush
Really nice puzzle, some really interesting sudokus I havent seen before! Small remark perhaps, the solution code seems unnecessarily complicated given the nature of the solvability of the final puzzle without solving the others first

on 26. July 2022, 21:40 by Crusader175
Brilliant puzzles!

on 16. March 2022, 11:03 by Don_Jonny_Cash
Thank you very much for this precious jewel of Sudoku! What a great team effort! I enjoyed the different types of clues for each face and how they combined nicely to reveal the roman profile in the end. Just: Out of this world ;)

on 13. March 2022, 03:19 by panthchesh
For people whose computer security software has conniptions over the kitiara.has.coffee domain, here are the raw f-puzzles links:
though please note: the webpages pointed to by aliases from that domain have all been checked by hand and you may reassure your machine that they are safe to visit.

Last changed on 12. March 2022, 17:39

on 12. March 2022, 17:32 by SKORP17
meine Sicherheitssoftware warnt vor Pishing-Angriffen beim Aufruf der Links

Last changed on 12. March 2022, 16:12

on 12. March 2022, 14:35 by Raumplaner
Rätsel sollen Spaß machen. Wer also wirklich nicht weiterkommt, dem helfen wir gerne mit weiteren Hinweisen (es gibt schon einige Hinweise im Text).
Um aber den Rätselspaß für Alle nicht zu mindern, geben wir die zusätzlichen Hinweise lieber nicht öffentlich.

Wer also seine Kontaktmöglichkeiten (im Forum hier als PN oder auch Discord ID) hinterlässt, dem antworten wir gerne.
Auch ein direkter Kontakt ist möglich:
Auf Englisch: Discord ID "virtual256#3728"
Auf Deutsch: PN hier im Forum an "Raumplaner".

Ein allgemeiner Hinweis noch zum Schluß: Wer bislang nur die Einzel-Links zu den Rätseln verwendet hat, dem empfehlen wir, die gefundenen Lösungen in das große penpa-Rätselgitter zu übertragen. Somit hat man einen besseren Überblick über mögliche Zusammenhänge.

Last changed on 12. March 2022, 08:41

on 12. March 2022, 08:37 by Pallando
Puzzles should be fun so, if you find yourself boxed in (unable to see the next step), we are happy to help.

But, to avoid giving hints in here in the comments, where they might get accidently seen and spoil the puzzle for someone else, we'd prefer to answer in private.

So, if you could include a way to contact you (your forum ID, your email address or your discord ID) that would be great.

Or you can contact us via discord (ID "virtual256#3728").

P.S. If you have been using the individual F-puzzles or CTC application links for each face, we recommend transferring your digits to the Penpa version for the final step (because it allows you to see everything at the same time on a single screen).

on 11. March 2022, 22:03 by Jlrice2
I was able to do all 5 individual puzzles (they werent easy) but am pretty stumped on what clues it gives for the 6th puzzle.

on 11. March 2022, 14:31 by JayForty
Absolutely loved the puzzles! Mind blown by the secrets revealed and the team effort that has gone into the making of the pack.

on 11. March 2022, 13:50 by JeremyDover
Superb puzzle! A massive collaborative effort all coming together in a satisfying whole...greatly enjoyable!

on 11. March 2022, 12:10 by Pallando
Font appears not to support a capital "A" having an umlaut, so changed




Rating:100 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:8 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Large Meta puzzle Multi-grid puzzle Three-dimensional

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