Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2019 (7): Die mutierte Sieben

(Published on 14. September 2020, 18:12 by wichtel)

To Christmas 2019 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.

The mutated Seven

Nobody spoke a word when the professor for extraordinary puzzle phenomenons entered the - in spite of the frosty winter evening - well attended lecture room. The slide projector already threw the picture of a Japanese sum in glittering light at the wall, and so the tension was high, what this would have to do with the announced lecture about the unusual behaviour of a coral. Every now and then a coral hides as well in dissimilar species - that's of course nothing new.

"On the first sight you see here an ordinary Japanese sums with the digits 1 to 9", spoke the professor and thus started his explanation. "Many hints are cryptified. In doing so equal letters stand as usual for equal digits from 0 to 9 and different letters for different digits, but not for a 7, which is already given. At the edges to the right and below are skyscraper hints arranged, which ignore black cells. And if you take a close look you might have noticed, that all hints are "knapp daneben"; this means they are off by exactly 1, so the correct hint would be 1 higher or 1 lower than the number given in its place. Furthermore you should strongly pay attention, that it is totally impossible to replace a question mark by a 7 or by a letter. This means: Some hints can not or can not completely be represented by a 7 or one of the five letters; and always in this case – and only in this case! – instead of the particular digit a question mark is used. If for example a 20 was needed and you had no letter assigned to a 1, 2 or 9 (in order to build 19 or 21), “??” would be given." - "And the black cells form a coral", shouted an auditor disrespectful, causing affirmative laughter in the hall. Apparently this was not at all the case of an unusual behaviour of a coral.

But the professsor leant backed relaxed and proceeded regardless of his audiences reaction. "My analysis has shown, that this is only half the truth. Therefore belong to the coral not only all black cells, but as well all cells containing a 7." Abruptly it was quiet again, and only sporadic you could detect incredulous muttering. "All the other cells do not belong to the coral. Yet the 7 stays element of the Japanese sums and finds consideration in the corresponding hints. But strangely enough this does not apply to the skyscraper hints. Neither is the 7 seen, nor does it hide lower skyscrapers. Say what you want, but such a mutation of a coral I have never ever become aware of." - "Do you think this is an effect of the climate change?", someone wanted to know. "Possible", the professor answered. "But it might as well be the spawn of an insane mind."

"And the penguin?" - "What? Penguin?", the professor inquired frowningly. "Well, the penguin. After all that is written in German above in the hints. What's about him?" The professor turned around and stared and the projection, that burned in the dimly light of the room its way into his retina. Indeed! How could he have missed this? "This,", said he and hardly managed to refrain from grinning, "this gives me a hint towards who might help me in the further analysis."

Solution code: Row 8 and the diagonal from top left to bottom right; digits incl. 7, S for black cells without 7

Last changed on on 15. October 2020, 10:56

Solved by apiad, r45, ibag, Mody, CHalb, Statistica, Nensche777, rimodech, Jesper, MagnusJosefsson, Uhu, Zzzyxas, tuace, CaGr, ffricke, Alex, zuzanina, lupo, polar, KNT, Niverio, Piatato, Myxo, Agent, Gliperal
Full list


on 22. January 2023, 14:29 by Myxo
Vielleicht das beste japanische Summen Rätsel im Portal. Einfach großartig!

on 31. December 2022, 17:21 by Piatato
Amazing puzzle! So much great logic from start to end!

on 3. November 2022, 00:03 by Niverio
Absolutely ridiculous puzzle. Fantastic!

on 2. October 2022, 03:29 by KNT
This has to be one of my favorite puzzles - if not my favorite puzzle ever. Nothing more to say :)

on 12. August 2022, 20:56 by polar
Finally ticked this one off my bucket list! Sublime puzzle - thanks.

on 22. September 2021, 17:22 by wichtel
especially @polar: Thanks a lot for alarming the author deeply and please excuse all the irritations. You are right with your argumentation and conclusion. The hints published in the first version were contradictory. The diagram is now corrected.

on 22. September 2021, 17:17 by wichtel
New diagram; hints in the second to last row changed/added.

on 13. February 2021, 18:03 by lupo
WWW (Wirklich Wunderbarer Wichtel) :-)

on 8. February 2021, 14:57 by zuzanina
Wunderschön! Vielen Dank! :-)

on 4. February 2021, 13:09 by Alex
genial! Hatte auch 2x Spass damit.

on 17. January 2021, 23:09 by ffricke
Super schönes Rätsel. Es hat mich auch ein paar Anläufe gekostet, mit Geduld und Blick für alle Möglichkeiten ging es dann gut durch.

on 9. January 2021, 12:56 by CaGr
Das Rätsel war wirklich sehr schwierig, aber auch sehr spannend. Die Wichtelrätel sind immer wieder super.
@tuace: Vielen Dank für die Bestätigung. Ohne diesen Hinweis kommt man zwar am Anfang gut weiter, aber dann ist Schluss.

on 7. January 2021, 15:44 by tuace
@CaGr: Richtig.

on 5. January 2021, 22:31 by CaGr
Würde das Beispiel mit den Fragezeichen und der 20 bedeuten, dass wenn es für die 2 eine Buchstabenzuordung zum P gäbe, der Hinweis dann automatisch P? (21) sein müsste und nicht ?? (19) sein dürfte?

on 29. October 2020, 14:48 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful puzzle! A long satisfying solution path with sustained difficulty.

on 27. October 2020, 12:45 by Jesper
Sehr tolles Rätsel!

on 15. October 2020, 10:56 by wichtel
Ausführlicher beschrieben, was der Professor dringend beachtet haben möchte.

Described in more detail, what the professor wanted strongly to pay attention to.

on 7. October 2020, 18:36 by CHalb
@Nensche777: Deinen Wunsch kann ich sehr gut verstehen. Du kannst mich gerne kontaktieren unter chalb.raetsel äd gmail.com .

on 28. September 2020, 17:22 by Statistica
Wahnsinn. Hat unglaublichen Spaß gemacht. Wenn auch die Siebener einen schon zur Verzweiflung treiben konnten :-)

on 23. September 2020, 13:04 by CHalb
Zitat: „Es könnte aber auch die Ausgeburt eines wahnsinnigen Geistes sein.“

Hm ... ja ... also da ist bestimmt was dran und ich meine das höchst respektvoll. Mal wieder eine unglaubliche Konstruktion. Auch ich hab mich mit dem richtigen Verständnis der Anleitung schwer getan, aber es hat echt Spaß gemacht, sich durch diesen Brocken hindurchzubeißen.

on 19. September 2020, 06:59 by Mody
Es lässt einen nicht mehr los.

Danke an Gabi für die Verdeutlichung der Fragezeichenregel ;)

on 18. September 2020, 19:56 by ibag
Wahnsinnsrätsel! Ich hatte zwar glücklicherweise die Regeln alle von Anfang an richtig verstanden, aber Raum für Schusselfehler gibts hier reichlich. ;-))

on 17. September 2020, 11:12 by r45
Nach vielen Irrungen endlich am Ziel, schöner Lösungsweg, hat viel Spaß gemacht.

on 16. September 2020, 10:13 by wichtel
Ja, das ist richtig. Ein ? darf auch keinen Wert eines Buchstabens haben. Danach kommt dann im zweiten Schritt die knapp-daneben-Regel zur Anwendung.

on 16. September 2020, 09:11 by Mody
Ich verstehe es so, dass ein Fragezeichen auch nicht die Werte annehmen kann, die für die Buchstaben ermittelt worden sind.
Oder interpretiere ich da etwas falsch?

on 16. September 2020, 09:05 by wichtel
@r45: Jedes Fragezeichen steht für eine Ziffer außer 7 und jede Zahl - also auch eine einstellige - ist knapp daneben.

on 16. September 2020, 08:58 by wichtel
@marcmees: Yes, that is possible.

on 16. September 2020, 06:33 by r45
Gehe ich recht in der Annahme, dass alleinstehende Fragezeichen keine Werte größer 9 darstellen dürfen?

Rating:99 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:7 times

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