Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

BITTE ZU HAUSE BLEIBEN - Buchstabenrätsel

(Published on 21. March 2020, 17:18 by DocLogic)

In these hard times all experts and politicians say "Please stay at home", or in German: "BITTE BLEIBEN SIE JETZT ALLE ZU HAUSE". So I used the 12 different letters from this sentense to create a logic puzzle.

Preface: No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner

1. In every column is one letter from each of the words HAUS, LAST and ZEIT (english: house, burden and time)

2. Somewhere is a letter from ZIEL directly above a letter from GESUND (english: goal, healthy)

3. In one column is the word JA (english: yes) without interruption

4. In one row is the word ZU (english: closed) without interruption

5. In one row there is no vowel

6. The letter in A3 is (in the complete alphabet) directly before the letter in C3

7. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field B3 is a vowel. The letter in A2 is (in the complete alphabet) directly before the letter in C2

Solution code: from left to right, row after row

Last changed on on 21. March 2020, 17:30

Solved by ManuH, marcmees, Alex, ropeko, uvo, Joe Average, Ragna, moss, Zzzyxas, sf2l, AnnaTh, Nothere, saskia-daniela, NikolaZ, Player, ch1983, zuzanina, Mars, hra2065, tuace, celisa, drolli38, kopfball, ... ildiko, Nensche777, SKORP17, pirx, Rollo, Jadzia-Dax, janedoe, night83, flaemmchen, Tiffy011, Nr.2, Dotty, Johannes Quack, CHalb, ffricke, Hippologicus, SAMT, Dolores_N, myothername, Lili Lavender
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on 21. March 2020, 18:22 by ManuH
Schön, dass uns in diesen schwierigen Zeiten so tolle Rätsel zur Verfügung stehen, die uns auf andere Gedanken bringen! Bleibt alle gesund!

Rating:89 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:3 times

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