Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (224) - Sum or Product Frame Sudoku

(Published on 13. March 2018, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Sum or Product Frame Sudoku
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. Clues outside the grid indicate either the product or the sum of the first three digits in the corresponding direction.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 9.

Last changed on on 23. August 2022, 06:40

Solved by SP1, rcg, r45, zorant, Uhu, Matt, Senior, azalozni, MaM, Rollie, AnnaTh, Luigi, ibag, marcmees, zhergan, Alex, Statistica, rob, pokerke, Hasenvogel, flaemmchen, tuace, KlausRG, CHalb, moss, Kwaka, ... Danielle, misko, Nick Smirnov, karen_birgitta, bbutrosghali, Kulko, cornuto, Greg, snowyegret, Angelo, Nylimb, AMD, Nickyo, Crissu2, TomBradyLambeth, mjozska1985, AvonD, juventino188, martin1456
Full list


on 23. August 2022, 06:40 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 7. October 2021, 07:28 by Nick Smirnov

CTC App:

on 25. September 2020, 13:38 by SirWoezel
Superb puzzle!

on 12. June 2020, 19:06 by Richard
@henrypijames: I have no idea any more what the intended path was for this puzzle. But after so many years I know different players can have completely different approaches. In the end it isn't really important what the codes are when there is no competition element.

on 12. June 2020, 17:16 by henrypijames
Habe die rechte und untere Seiten zuerst ausfuellen koennen. Deutet aber die Loesungscode von Zeile 9 und Spalte 9, dass der Autor einen anderen Pfad vorgesehen hat?

on 4. April 2018, 16:15 by pin7guin
Klasse! Und - wie immer - ohne jegliche Fallunterscheidung lösbar.
Das hat großen Spaß gemacht! Danke, Richard!

on 24. March 2018, 13:28 by HaSe
Ganz großes Kino. Und top natürlich auch die unprime Auswahl der Hinweise.

on 16. March 2018, 10:23 by flaemmchen
Uijuijui, das hat aber lange gedauert bis es sich aufdröseln liess ;.)) Aber sehr schön!!

Last changed on 13. March 2018, 21:37

on 13. March 2018, 21:37 by ibag
Toll, wie sich das alles so aufdröselt!

on 13. March 2018, 15:28 by AnnaTh
Da kann ich mich Senior nur anschließen: Toll! (Aber auch ganz schön schwer!)

on 13. March 2018, 12:00 by Senior
Aus meiner Sicht ein weiteres Glanzstück dieser beeindruckenden Serie, danke!

Rating:92 %
Solved:97 times
Observed:9 times

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