Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pento Parade Leftover (5) - Pentapa

(Published on 10. October 2014, 12:00 by Richard)

Logic Masters India hosts a puzzle contest every month. I had the honor to prepare the puzzles for the coming contest. It will be held from 11 till 13 October 2014. It will be called Pento Parade; A set of different Pentomino variants. Some of the variants are published here in the portal earlier by me.

As always the case after making puzzles for a contest, I had a few unused puzzles and I would like to share them here in the portal. At the same time, I can make some extra advertisement for the contest. Participation is free, only a registration at LMI is necessary. You can solve the puzzles whenever you like in the weekend. After downloading the .pdf-file you have 120 minutes to submit your solutions. You can find the instruction booklet here.

Blacken some empty cells such that all black cells are connected horizontally or vertically and there is no 2x2 area of black cells. Numbers indicate how many of the vertically, horizontally and diagonally adjacent cells are black. Each number represents a group of horizontally or vertically adjacent black cells. Different groups around the same cell are separated by at least one white cell. The order of numbers in a cell is not important.

Additionally, the tapa wall must consist of all pentominos, except for the P, since that violates with the tapa-rule that no area of 2x2 may be completely black. Pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored.

Link: Pentapa I

Solution code: The number of black cells in each row, top to bottom.

Last changed on -

Solved by CHalb, Zzzyxas, pirx, r45, Katrin K, Luigi, deu, uvo, zorant, tuace, Senior, Statistica, Uhu, Joo M.Y, rob, ffricke, ibag, pin7guin, Eisbär, Rollie, sandmoppe, ch1983, AnnaTh, pokerke, Joe Average, ... Dandelo, Mathi, cdwg2000, athin, misko, _chucklehead, CJK, Raistlen, Mark Sweep, starelev5, Realshaggy, HaSe, Mjb99, Nick Smirnov, Simon919, Drawoon, Jero34, Krokant, KNT, helle, DiMono, Echatsum
Full list


on 10. April 2022, 21:14 by Nick Smirnov

I used red letters in Number mode for differentiating pentominoes in tapa wall, very convenient.

on 10. October 2014, 13:49 by Richard
@R45: Thanks a lot!
I hope that effect of the leftovers is that players are now hungry for more Pentominos and that they are eager to participate! At least all players had a decent preparation in this way. ;-)

on 10. October 2014, 12:35 by r45
Sehr schön und danke für die insgesamt tolle Leftover-Serie. Viel Erfolg mit Deinem Wetbewerb.

Rating:92 %
Solved:100 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant Pentominoes

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