Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pento Parade Leftover (2) - Pentomino Yajilin

(Published on 6. October 2014, 12:00 by Richard)

Logic Masters India hosts a puzzle contest every month. I had the honor to prepare the puzzles for the coming contest. It will be held from 11 till 13 October 2014. It will be called Pento Parade; A set of different Pentomino variants. Some of the variants are published here in the portal earlier by me.

As always the case after making puzzles for a contest, I had a few unused puzzles and I would like to share them here in the portal. At the same time, I can make some extra advertisement for the contest. Participation is free, only a registration at LMI is necessary. You can solve the puzzles whenever you like in the weekend. After downloading the .pdf-file you have 120 minutes to submit your solutions. You can find the instruction booklet here.

Pentomino Yajilin
Color some cells black so that every arrow points at the indicated number of black cells. The black cells form different pentominos. (Not necessarily all!) Pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored. They don't touch each other, not even diagonally. Pentominos may not be placed on cells with arrows. The remaining white cells form a single closed loop that does not cross or overlap itself.

Link: Pentomino Yajilin I (Attention: with all 12 pentominos!)

Solution code: The number of knicks in the loop; row by row, top to bottom.

Last changed on -

Solved by zorant, Joo M.Y, deu, ffricke, fridgrer, pirx, CHalb, Alex, Luigi, Statistica, tuace, saskia-daniela, moss, r45, Joe Average, derwolf23, ManuH, Babsi, ch1983, ibag, pin7guin, pokerke, rimodech, rob, ... jessica6, jirk, Mathi, tamz29, cdwg2000, darksida, Nensche777, misko, sloffie, Jesper, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, h5663454, Mark Sweep, Krokant, helle, Greg, Playmaker6174, Echatsum, Calesch
Full list


on 30. March 2022, 21:22 by Nick Smirnov

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on 7. October 2014, 17:15 by Mody
Schönes "Leftover" :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:92 times
Observed:7 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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