Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Beijing Leftover - Filled Loop

(Published on 8. November 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

I made this puzzle for the WPC2013 in Beijing as part of the Dutch Delight Round (80 puzzles around the world) but it was too hard. It is very much suitable for the puzzle portal, so I am happy to publish it here.

Filled Loop
Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines. The loop does not cross or touch itself. The numbers in the grid tell how many sides of the cell are used for the loop.

When finished, fill the loop exactly with the twelve pentominoes. Neighboring pentominoes touch each other at exactly one border segment. The pentominoes may be rotated and mirrored.




Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop, clockwise, starting top left.

Last changed on -

Solved by ch1983, pirx, r45, ibag, Statistica, adam001, sloffie, zorant, Zzzyxas, saskia-daniela, Alex, dm_litv, rimodech, pokerke, Faxi, jirk, moss, joyal, rob, RALehrer, deu, AnnaTh, derwolf23, Ute2, ... Calavera, Uhu, nicole1303, kaberg, martin1456, Matt, JonaS2010, Nothere, Julianl, Mathi, cdwg2000, amitsowani, misko, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Raistlen, jogerth, Polyprism, Krokant, jsxft, Echatsum
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Last changed on 21. May 2022, 07:16

on 20. May 2022, 19:54 by Nick Smirnov

Brilliant puzzle. It was pretty hard for me (I gave it 4 stars of difficulty). It happens that sometimes it is quite hard to start a 2-star puzzle, but after few steps it unwraps quite fluently. But this one was tricky from start to finish, I had to gnaw it away bit by bit. Difficulty rating is sometimes a bit off, I guess :D
Reply: thanks for your kind words!
This puzzle is written in a different era: back in 2013 the portal was mainly crowded with puzzle-fans instead of sudoku fans and the one author after the other published harder and harder puzzles. So I fully agree that the difficulty rating is more or less 'off'. There are a few more puzzles of this type, so if you practise a bit more, you might get in touch with the type as well...

on 15. November 2013, 20:39 by Danielle
Gefiel mir gut, und das, obwohl ich Pentominos gar nicht so mag!

on 8. November 2013, 22:14 by Faxi
Das hat aber riesig Spass gemacht!!!

on 8. November 2013, 13:48 by ibag
The puzzle is nice, but the graphics isn't. It's much easier for me to have dotted lines in slitherlink puzzles.

Rating:93 %
Solved:90 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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