Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

June Pentomino Month (1) - Pentomino Yajilin

(Published on 7. June 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

Color 60 cells black so that every arrow points at the indicated number of black cells. The black cells form the given set of pentominos. Pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored. They don't touch each other, not even diagonally. Pentominos may not be placed on cells with arrows.
The remaining white cells form a single closed loop that does not cross or overlap itself.

Example (with only pentominos F,I,L,N):



Solution code: The number of knicks in the loop; row by row, top to bottom.

Last changed on -

Solved by Luigi, matter, zuzanina, Katrin K, Alex, Ute2, pokerke, pirx, ildiko, adam001, saskia-daniela, RALehrer, rakesh, Ifjutitan, rimodech, jirk, AnnaTh, Rollo, Thomster, deu, rob, r45, ibag, Hansjo, ... jessica6, darksida, cdwg2000, misko, FzFeather, Jesper, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, polar, HaSe, helle, Krokant, KNT, Greg, JustinTucker, filuta, Playmaker6174, Piatato, Nensche777, Echatsum
Full list


on 6. June 2024, 00:47 by Piatato

on 3. June 2024, 22:05 by Playmaker6174
Beautiful puzzle with a wonderful finish! :)

on 31. March 2022, 20:17 by Nick Smirnov

Use 'Tab' button to switch between Surface and Line modes.

on 10. June 2013, 21:03 by Richard
Thanks for the feedback!
I was already afraid that it would be possible to find other entries to the puzzle. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to check the final puzzle to find out if it would be possible to start in an other way than I had built in. So forget about this entry, so I can use it again... :-)

on 9. June 2013, 14:11 by Rollo
Puh! Danke Alex. Das hat Spaß gemacht, ich musste höllisch aufpassen.

on 8. June 2013, 18:49 by Alex
@Rollo, ja, richtig

on 7. June 2013, 18:09 by ildiko
Oh, schön! Pentominos. Dafür lasse ich doch glatt die Richard-Sudokus liegen, die ich mir als nächstes rausgesucht habe.

on 7. June 2013, 14:25 by Alex
Very nice puzzle. I did it similar to Luigi.

Last changed on 6. June 2013, 21:56

on 6. June 2013, 21:55 by Richard
I think this puzzle is not difficult, but it might be hard to get started. There is a complete logic way into the puzzle. I have written the first logical steps in a hidden comment. I like to read about alternative starts, if you find them.

Rating:96 %
Solved:86 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant Path puzzle Pentominoes

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