Link: X-Sums Sudoku (I) (7x7)
Link: X-Sums Sudoku (II) (9x9)
Solution code: Rows 6 & 7.
on 9. June 2022, 09:51 by Nick Smirnov
on 9. May 2017, 15:31 by jessica6
Bei dieser Rätselart verwende ich eine Tabelle, welche Summen mit welcher Anfangsziffer möglich sind. Das spart mir, immer wieder dieselben Überlegungen durchzuführen.
on 6. February 2014, 20:07 by Oliver Strauß
Easy but good solving path.
on 30. August 2013, 15:41 by Richard
This puzzle is (as all other puzzles of the last two months) a practise puzzle for a puzzle contest that is held on 7-9 september at Logic Masters India. More info will follow; contest page can be found here:
Nice weekend to all!
on 30. August 2013, 15:35 by Saskia
Schoen, aber viel zu schnell vorbei ;) Schoenes Wochenende Euch allen!
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