Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Gefüllter Rundweg

(Published on 4. December 2009, 12:00 by Richard)

Filled loop

Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines. The loop does not cross or touch itself. The numbers in the grid tell how many sides of the cell are used for the loop.

When finished, fill the loop exactly with the twelve pentominoes. Neighboring pentominoes touch each other at exactly one border segment. The pentominoes may be rotated and mirrored.



Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop, clockwise, starting top left.

Solved by zuzanina, ibag, saskia-daniela, Luigi, yureklis, berni, pokerke, Katrin K, pwahs, Statistica, flaemmchen, PRW, Calavera, geibthor, RobertBe, lupo, Carambu, logik66, Thomster, lolo, Maulef, Alex, ... bob, cdwg2000, athin, misko, NikolaZ, EctoPlasma, Nick Smirnov, helle, Mark Sweep, Krokant, Myxo, damasosos92, wisty, MicroStudy, GexTed, Greg, jsxft, Echatsum, rätselnmachtspass, goodcity
Full list


on 20. November 2023, 02:47 by wisty
This puzzle is so much fun!!! I love the idea and the execution is smooth and enjoyably nonlinear.

on 20. November 2023, 02:46 by damasosos92
Very cool!

on 23. May 2022, 15:21 by Nick Smirnov

on 17. July 2015, 19:27 by Danielle
Wenn man vorher den doppelt großen löst, ist der tatsächlich einfach. Oder liegt es an meinen Initialen als ID? ;-)

on 14. July 2015, 12:43 by cornuto
Boah, ich weiß nicht mehr, wie oft ich dieses Rätsel schon versucht habe. Heute hat es endlich geklappt.

on 15. February 2013, 21:18 by lupo
ziemlich schwierig... ich hänge da nämlich gerade fest!

on 14. February 2013, 21:58 by SilBer
Dies ist also der einfachste... Nagut, dann bin ich mal gespannt, wie schwierig die nächsten werden...

on 13. August 2010, 21:13 by Eisbär
Und jetzt das zweiten Teil :-)))

on 18. January 2010, 06:42 by Realshaggy
I think it took me about six weeks, but I really enjoyed it.

on 11. December 2009, 21:05 by HaSe
einfach großartig!!!!!!!!!!!!! - solche Rätsel wären Highlight einer jeden WPC - schön, dass du die LM mit deinen tollen Kreationen bereicherst

on 5. December 2009, 01:34 by pin7guin
Schade. Schon wieder fertig gerätselt... :-( ;-) Danke, Richard! :-)

on 4. December 2009, 16:48 by geibthor
Einfach nur schön! Danke.

on 4. December 2009, 14:17 by zuzanina
I think it took me about 15-20 minutes, but I really enjoyed it!

on 4. December 2009, 12:42 by Richard
Hmmm, 30 minutes is quicker than I thought! :-)

on 4. December 2009, 12:36 by ibag
Wie gewohnt: einfach klasse!!!!

on 4. December 2009, 12:35 by zuzanina

Rating:93 %
Solved:133 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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