Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Klein aber Fies: Jigsaw Killer

(Published on 5. March 2010, 12:00 by Richard)

Platziere die Ziffern von 1 bis 7 in jeder Zeile, jeder Spalte, den fett umrandeten Gebieten und die gelbe Zellen. Die kleinen Zahlen geben die Summe der Ziffern in den markierten Gebieten an. Innerhalb dieser Gebiete dürfen sich Ziffern nicht wiederholen.

After the comments of Flaemmchen to my previous 7x7-sudoku I was curious about how hard a 7x7-sudoku could get, and still be solvable in a logic way. This is a result.

Hint: the puzzle is best solved with the elimination-technique. Write all possiblities in every cell, and eliminate slowly the digits that are not possible. Law of leftovers, cage-sum-combinations and innies/outies are the only required techniques. No T&E is necessary! ;-)

Solution code: Zeile 2, gefolgt von Spalte 6.

Last changed on on 5. March 2010, 12:56

Solved by zhergan, zuzanina, Alex, pokerke, Javier Rebottaro, Mody, Luigi, geibthor, julius64, sandmoppe, Eisbär, Saskia, Realshaggy, saskia-daniela, flaemmchen, RobertBe, Le Ahcim, ManuH, ffricke, zorant, ... dm_litv, sf2l, tuace, skypper, pandiani42, Julianl, Quetzal, NikolaZ, Uhu, glum_hippo, misko, Zzzyxas, cdwg2000, EKBM, PixelPlucker, rcg, Nick Smirnov, Krokant, damasosos92, DadJokes, zzw, jalebc
Full list


on 9. January 2024, 19:54 by damasosos92
Oh my. Brutal puzzle. THAT was a puzzle.

on 31. January 2023, 18:45 by Nick Smirnov

Brilliant puzzle! I solved it without any T&E but, oh boy, it was tricky to find these crucial steps.

on 25. March 2017, 22:40 by skypper
Kaum zu glauben, dass es so schwer sein kann 49 Zahlen zu sortieren. Und es waren sogar nur 7 verschiedene :-)

on 7. June 2010, 20:09 by Saskia
@ffricke: 22 gelöste Rätsel an einem Tag im Minutentakt - da hat aber jemand am Wochenende in der Sonne gebrütet ;-)

on 17. March 2010, 10:05 by flaemmchen
Das war oberfies ... ;-)))

Last changed on 10. March 2010, 19:37

on 10. March 2010, 16:57 by Realshaggy
Yeah! I found the first number (without T&E)!

I hope it's getting a little bit easier from now on. It's a pity I don't have time for solving puzzles at the moment, but this one is a must.

Edit: Cool, a very slow start, but suddenly it falls apart.

Last changed on 10. March 2010, 10:26

on 10. March 2010, 10:25 by Richard
@Saskia: do you have an account in the forum? I have a question for you.

on 9. March 2010, 11:05 by Eisbär
This was mean... very mean...
Just like Zafer I needed lots of T&E to solve this...

on 5. March 2010, 22:17 by Alex
@Javier: check both middle areas for duplicate numbers and you will be there! You only need to switch 2 pairs.

on 5. March 2010, 16:22 by zhergan
A nice design to show how small grids may become tough. Thanks Richard:)

ps: Even if Richard stated no T&E is needed I used it at some steps. Most probably I didn't see some properties.


on 5. March 2010, 15:10 by flaemmchen
Was hab' ich denn da losgetreten ;))
Ich mag keine "fiesen" Rätsel ... nur "nette" :))

on 5. March 2010, 13:01 by Richard
Indeed, I made a mistake, but now it's correct. That's what happens if you are not careful enough...

Last changed on 5. March 2010, 12:37

on 5. March 2010, 12:37 by Luigi
Irgendwas stimmt hier nicht, Richard. Das Rätsel kommt mir doch sehr bekannt vor; ist es nicht das selbe wie der andere kleine feine?
Hätte ja gerne den gleichen Lösungscode hier genutzt; wird aber nicht akzeptiert.... Schade ;-)

Rating:91 %
Solved:69 times
Observed:17 times

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