Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Klein aber fein: diagonal

(Published on 11. December 2009, 12:00 by Richard)

Place the digits 1 to 7 in every row, column, the fat outlined areas and the main diagonals.

Solution code: Row 2, followed by column 4

Last changed on on 11. December 2009, 13:08

Solved by zuzanina, zhergan, Luigi, Carambu, Realshaggy, pokerke, ibag, Hansjo, Mody, Alex, swotty, saskia-daniela, asobix, pin7guin, pwahs, Javier Rebottaro, logik66, sandmoppe, flaemmchen, Saskia, cornuto, ... Zzzyxas, sf2l, Joe Average, moss, tuace, crissu, bismarck, Danielle, EMREdersin, matter, Julianl, skywalker, bob, Matt, misko, NikolaZ, EKBM, rcg, Nick Smirnov, Krokant, Ximota, damasosos92, jalebc
Full list


on 16. December 2022, 23:16 by Nick Smirnov

on 30. January 2011, 13:48 by CHalb
The title "klein aber fein" is absolutely correct; I like it very much. I met some surprises while solving. Some of my first conclusions were only by accident correct since I forgot there have to be some sevens in the puzzle. The structure of the areas in combination with the diagonals give fine possibilities of conclusions.

on 12. December 2009, 06:42 by Richard
I have chosen the time of 12.00 at friday so that people can solve the puzzles in the weekend, but obviously a lot of people can't wait that long... ;-) Maybe I should change to 17.00 on friday afternoon?

on 11. December 2009, 16:06 by Mody
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Richardtag, Samstag Sonntag :))

Rating:86 %
Solved:104 times
Observed:19 times

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